1. General

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    This website is the property of i2i Services Limited (company number 2484481) whose registered office is at Weir Bank, Bray-on-Thames, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 2ED ("i2i").
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    The information contained in this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. All information made available from within this website is provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied on the part of i2i. i2i does not make any representations whatsoever about job vacancy advertisements which are accessible either on or by way of any links from this website nor about any of the businesses who appear in the "Profiles" section on this website as in compiling the same i2i rely on information provided to it by third parties. Accordingly it is a matter for you to satisfy yourself as to the suitability of any employer or job found through this website.

2. Changes

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    The services i2i offers to candidates are entirely gratuitous and i2i shall not be obliged to maintain or continue any services offered to candidates on this website. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing i2i reserves the right to suspend or cancel the provision of any service to any particular candidate for any reason whatsoever.

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    All design, text and graphics displayed on this website and the selection or arrangement thereof are the copyright of i2i or its licensors You are granted permission to electronically copy and print in hard copy portions of this website for the sole purpose of placing an order with i2i or using this website as a personal resource. Any other use of materials on this website (including but not limited to reproduction for purposes other than those noted above and modification, distribution or republication) without the prior written permission of i2i is strictly prohibited.
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If not actually the case, the contract under which you use this website shall be deemed to have been made in England and the construction, validity and performance of these terms and conditions of use shall be governed in all respects by English law and the English courts shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute between you and i2i concerning your use of this website.

Last modified 17th October, 2012